
FANABERIE Tydzień Ferformansu*

 to połączenie słowa "ferformen" (przekształcać) i "performance" (przedstawienie).

FANABERIE to tydzień, w którym Bunkier Sztuki zamieni się w platformę przekształcania w miejsce, w którym artyści, aktywiści, krawcowe, dzieci, zwierzęta i rośliny zamienią Twoje ubranie w dzieło sztuki, a ty staniesz się chodzącą galerią. 
FANABERIE to tydzień warsztatów i performansów!

Fanaberie to chodzące dzieła sztuki!
Fanaberie to wolność dla ubrań!
Fanaberie to nielegalne pokazy mody w galeriach handlowych!
Fanaberie to swawola tworzenia!

FANABERIE Week of Ferformance | 23.09 – 01.10.2013
Justyna Koeke
Cecylia Malik
Monika Drożyńska

Anna Kazimierczak
Jolanta Zawiślak

* Ferformance is a combination of words "ferformen" (transform) and "performance".

During FANABERIE week, the ‘Bunkier Sztuki’ Gallery will become a platform for transformation - the place where artists, activists, dressmakers, children, animals and plants will turn your garments into works of art, and you become a walking gallery.

Fanaberie run a week of workshops and performance art!
Fanaberie are walking works of art!

Fanaberie means freedom for clothes!
Fanaberie put on illegal fashion shows at shopping malls!

Fanaberie make frolics with creativity!

During the Fanaberie Week of Ferformance, the artists  invited to the project, together with the audience, will create community which produces and alters clothes. Garments will become both artists material and subject of creative debate. Workshops and performances will be held at the ‘Bunkier Sztuki’ Gallery.
You will be allowed to take a piece of art from the Gallery with you (and what is more, wear it on you!), rather than merely contemplate it. The fashion designers were deliberately not invited to the project, but visual artists. Through reshaping, painting, appliqué and quilting, clothes will be transformed into unique, singular, signed works of art.

Come to the ‘Bunkier Sztuki’ Gallery, bring on your unnecessary clothes, meet our artists, attend our workshops and create!
Clothes, we adore them! They play very important role in our life: we communicate with others through them and we define who we are, what we like, how much money we have, and even manifest our worldview. At present, one cannot think about clothes disregarding their economic, ecological, political and ethical aspects. We more often talk about the need to reduce consumption and implement responsible purchasing. Recycling has become a major trend in fashion and design lately.

Restraint on desire of buying, reprocessing or perhaps ferformance, a creative transformation?
We will not deal with the global economy or the crisis of capitalism. We will try to create a place for the new economy, where consumption is replaced with creativity, isolation with community, and money is superseded by bartering. We have too many clothes in our closets, we must admit it. Does it matter that from time to time we are getting rid of the contents of our wardrobes, we exchange clothes with friends and hand over unnecessary items to the poor, if after a while we are drowning in rags again, tempted by the shop windows with new patterns, summer sales, dresses for a penny each? We are insatiable.

Let's change our clothes into works of art!
A shirt remodeled by Justyna Koeke will remain valuable forever. When the holes in the sweater are adorned by Kasia Dorota, there is a chance you will never throw it away. David Hardy will transform you and your clothing into an expressive painting. Claudia Vogel and Małgosia Markiewicz will disturb the joys of trying on and buying clothes at the Galeria Krakowska shopping mall, Monika Drożyńska will crack down on her own wardrobe, and Áine Philips will parade through the streets of Krakow in a red gown with a train that will stir the city.

Andrea Vogel, Anna Ghomert, Helmut Dietz, Julia Heuer, Paulina Karpowicz, Robert Kuta, Agata Bargiel, Cecylia Malik, Poczwarki and Marta Sala, Kloszart Kolektyw, Superheroes from Bytom and the team of Kiermasz Twórczej Reanimacji Odpadów invite you to a week of art, workshops and performance.
Ferformance without limits or borders!

During the FANABERIE Week of Ferformance, the ‘Bunkier Sztuki’ Gallery will host performances (also in public space) and video screenings (in front of and inside the Gallery). Please be invited to join us!

Fanaberie are a cultural event of an international character.

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